Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Day 8...Rest day!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016: Today is our day off from sampling so time to catch up on emails, world news and...sleep!! For some of us this day also offers an opportunity to have a lukewarm shower, if we're lucky.

Nothing to report from the research side of things but here is today's menu.

Breakfast: Masala omelet, rice pancakes, potatoes cooked with ginger and methi (Fenugreek), a can. Yes, you read correctly, bacon in a can! The bacon was supplied by Dr. Brad ji. I was very skeptical about this, almost mortified that one could do such a thing but I tried it and was pleasantly surprised. In fact, the bacon was quite moreish. Thankfully, though, we were rationed three strips each as the caloric content off this newly discovered marvel would not be high on a dieters list of foods to eat.
Nearly 1.4 kg (3 lbs) of bacon
packed in a can!
Unwrapping the bacon

Still unwrapping.
Almost there...
Masala omelet with canned bacon.
Rice pancake with potato.
Lunch: Jiri aalu, chicken and gravy, rice, saag, green bean and potato, fire roasted achaar (this had a little more kick than the regular achaar), dhal, and papadum.
Dinner: After our breakfast and lunch, dinner was a non-event.

Images of the Jiri Valley...

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