Friday, November 18, 2016

Day 4...

Friday, November 18, 2016: Today we draw our attention to the interviewer-administered questionnaire. Here, our interviewer, Dr. Mohan ji from the Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, asks the research participant questions about their ocular medical history, systemic disease (e.g. diabetes) history, lifestyle factors (e.g. smoking), and whether if there is a family (first or second degree relatives) history of eye disease? These questionnaires provide an invaluable source of information that may be used to help explain the observation of an ocular pathology, for example, secondary glaucoma; people living with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing diabetic retinopathyglaucoma or developing cataract at a younger age; smoking is an important modifiable (environmental) risk factor when it comes to the health of your vision - basically, don't smoke!
Dr. Mohan ji interviews a female
Dr. Mohan ji interviews a male
As Dr. Mohan ji interviews our research participants, we see two other members of the research "dream team" - Dr. Brad ji was caught calibrating the stadiometer while Dr. Janardan ji (a.k.a. Captain A-maz-ing) makes sure clinic activities run as smooth as possible.

Today's menu...
Breakfast: Masala omelet with dhal and toast.
Lunch: Dhal, chicken curry, achaar (Nepali 'salsa'), squash, potato, mustard greens, and rice.
Dinner: By this time of the day/evening the team are pretty tired so we rarely have a full meal; however, a few light snacks such as peanuts with locally grown Jiri produce (e.g., chili's, onions, garlic), organically reared Jiri fried chicken bites, or freshly prepared mutton (also locally reared) is good enough to satiate the team.

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