Friday, November 25, 2016

Day 11...

Friday, November 25, 2016: Our comprehensive eye examination concludes with Dr. Suman ji - seeing the participants for the second time - conducting a mydriatic slit-lamp exam. Here, Dr. Suman ji examines the lens for the presence of cataract, its position (injury/trauma can displace the lens from is normal position thus impairing vision), and its shape. Additionally, Dr. Suman ji conducts a retinal exam to evaluate optic disc morphology, blood vessel morphology and the macula. Abnormal optic disc morphology may indicate diseases such as glaucoma or tilted disc syndrome. Abnormalities in the retinal blood vessels may indicate diseases such as diabetic retinopathy or hypertensive retinopathy. The mydriatic slit-lamp examination can also help Dr. Suman ji identify other ocular pathology such as retinal dystrophy, e.g., retinitis pigmentosa, and retinal detachment. After completing his exam, Dr. Suman ji reviews the participant's data and provides his diagnosis if symptoms of ocular pathology are presented.
The mydriatic slit-lamp exam
Reviewing the data
Writing the diagnosis
While this concludes our comprehensive eye examination, it is not the conclusion of our day's activities. Stay tuned for anthropometry and more!

Today's menu...
Breakfast: Masala omelet, roti, beans & black-eyed peas, and coffee...of course (even though it's not shown). Oh yeah, I nearly forgot to mention our 'Jiri jam roll' - lay open the roti, spread jam (jelly), roll roti with jam and voila, your Jiri jam roll is ready to eat.

Lunch: Okay, time for something different. You've all seen what we're about to eat. How about this time you tell us what we've eaten :-)
Dinner: Snacks (vegetable pakora, cheese pakora).

Dr. Brad ji sipping on kaalo chiya, Pradeep ji, and yours truly (Dr. Matt ji) at the clinic first thing in the morning getting ready to start our day.

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