Saturday, November 26, 2016

Day 12: n = 1,003!!

Saturday, November 26, 2016: Today we achieved a major milestone for the project, passing the half way mark of our recruitment goal of 2,000 individuals...and we still have two more days of sampling to go! To accomplish this in only four trips is quite an achievement and is testament to the hard working and dedicated research team.

In addition to the comprehensive eye examination we also collect standard health metrics such as height and weight (used to calculate body mass index - BMI), blood pressure, pulse, and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Individual systolic/diastolic blood pressure readings greater than or equal to 140/90 mm Hg are brought to Dr. Suman ji's attention so that he can consult the participants on the importance of maintaining a healthy blood pressure. With this project being a genetic epidemiological study of eye health and disease, to correlate genetic mechanisms with eye disease and markers of eye health, for example, intraocular pressure, we also collect a small amount of blood from each individual (more on the blood processing tomorrow).
Measuring weight.
Measuring height.

Our 1,000th participant!!

Our blood collection area.

In the left picture (below) we see Dr. Sarah ji measuring blood pressure, Dr. Sandy ji recording the measurements, and our two interpreters - Dr. Janardan ji & Gautham ji. In the right picture (below) we see Dr. Sarah ji about to collect a blood sample with the assistance of Dr. Sandy ji. One important aspect of our blood collection area is that it provides privacy for the participant.

An independent component to our research project is community outreach to the Jirel community. For the duration of our project two education-related scholarships have been set up: The Mrs. Riva Thapa (Dr. Suman ji's wife) Jiri High School Outstanding Teacher Award and the Dr. Matt Johnson scholarship for Jirel school children (provides financial assistance for Jirel children in grades 5 through to 10 to purchase essential school supplies).
On behalf of his wife,
Dr. Suman ji congratulates
the 2015 Outstanding
Teacher Award recipient.
On behalf of the Jirel school
children, the Jiri education
representative receives
Dr. Matt ji's financial donation.

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