Monday, November 28, 2016

Day 14...

Monday, November 27, 2016: Today marks our final day of sampling and the only element of the day's activities to report on is collecting the signed consent forms (to bring back to our Brownsville, Texas office location) and scanning the questionnaire and eye exam data (also to bring back to our Brownsville office).
Ready to scan the day's data.
So this marks the end of our "day in the life of" data collection activities for the Jiri Eye Study. We had yet another very successful field trip - recruiting another 257 individuals and passing our half way mark of our total recruitment goal of 2,000 individuals. To date, we have successfully recruited 1,048 individuals!!

We depart for Kathmandu tomorrow so stay tuned for an update on our return road trip. We will also report on packing and preparing the samples for shipment to Texas and what happens to the samples after they arrive at the laboratory.

In the meantime here are some random images...
Sanjita ji, one of our hard working
recruiters, acting as a babysitter
for one of the participants.
Bhim Bdr ji, our other hard
working recruiter.

Dr. Suman ji, a hit with the local kids.
Gautam ji, our clinic supervisor,
interpreter, and lunch chef!

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