Thursday, November 24, 2016

Day 10...

Thursday, November 24, 2016: Following on from Dr. Suman's initial slit-lamp examination research participants are administered pupil dilating drops (e.g., Tropicamide) prior to progressing onto the final stages of our examination procedure - assessing the posterior segment of the eye (individuals with a narrow angle of the anterior chamber are not 'dilated'). Research participants return to our OCT technician, Pradeep ji, for fundus photography, measurement of macula thickness and assessment of optic nerve head properties such as retinal nerve fiber layer thickness. Fundus photographs are used to assess the health of the retina; thickening of the macula (macular edema) may be a result of retinal blood vessels leaking fluid - a swollen macula impairs vision; thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer has been associated with glaucoma.
Measuring macular thickness.
Pradeep ji preparing macula report.
Measuring optic nerve
head properties.
Pradeep ji preparing optic nerve
head report.
Fundus photo output.

Today's menu...
Breakfast: Masala omelet, roti, and that amazing canned bacon - good enough to assemble an egg and bacon burrito or soft taco.

Lunch: Guess which food item I have (purposely) incorrectly identified - rice, achaar, saag, Jiri aalu, cauliflower, chicken soup.
Dinner: Snacks - vegetable pakora (top image) and an experimental chicken pakora (bottom image).

A day in Nepal rarely goes without a cup or five of kaalo chiya (black tea).

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