Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Day 16...sample shipment

Wednesday, November 30, 2016: So today marks the final stage of activities associated with data collection in the field for the Jiri Eye Study - packing the samples for shipment. To have everything packed on time we find ourselves having to be at the Tilganga Eye Hospital by 07:30 h - needless to say there were a few tired bodies after our 9.5 h road trip the day before and our 11 days of sampling. But the team pulls together to make sure the samples are safe and secure for their long trip ahead.

Coffee: a must need before anything else can happen...

Packing complete.
Loading the truck.
Samples are ready to go!

Back of the Tilganga Eye Hospital...
oh, look, more motorcycles!
Time for one final food update and it's not what you may think.
Lunch: Nepalese Thukpa, derived from a Tibetan form of chicken soup -
highly recommended on a cool/cold day.
Well, that's it for now. Thanks for following and stay tuned for more updates as we'll provide some insight into what happens to the samples once they reach their final destination in Brownsville, Texas.

On behalf of the Jiri Eye Study data collection, field research unit, thank you and talk to you soon, from Texas.

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