Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Day 2...

Wednesday, November 16, 2016: Today, we set out on the long(er) road from Kathmandu to Jiri (if only we had taken that left turn at Dhulikel and not the right). Now, don’t let the time displayed on the map fool you because our journey to Jiri took us approximately 9.5 h! Nepal is not the flattest country on the planet, so you combine the terrain with the long, winding, narrow roads (in some areas the term ‘road’ is very loosely defined), motorized traffic (being stuck behind buses, trucks, tractors, a plethora of motorcycles), and negotiating foot traffic (humans, goats, the odd buffalo or two, etc.), you can start to paint a picture and appreciate how long it does take to travel a distance of approximately 200 km (124 mi)! Oh yeah, did I mention our vehicle broke down? Just as we entered into the Jiri Municipality our driver stopped, much to our confusion. As it turned out, we sustained damage to one of the brake lines which caused the loss of brake fluid, something that is needed when driving in Nepal! Needless to say, both the research team and their luggage made it to Jiri safely, albeit a little tired, around 18:30 h. First day of sampling tomorrow so we're all pumped for that!

Good morning, Kathmandu!

Our ride to Jiri
Our luggage!

Things to see on the way
to Jiri: The Himalayas
Things to see on the way
to Jiri: Valleys, rivers

Lunch venue
Lunch: Mutton w/ mustard greens, aalu gobi and beaten rice

Entering the Jiri Municipality
Is that brake fluid I see?

Good evening, Jiri!


  1. Hey! Whata wonderful adventures and fabulous landscape. Thanks for sharing the photos, but non of you were in. Godspeed!!

  2. Thanks, Juan Carlos. You may get to see me in future posts :-)
