Tuesday, November 15, 2016

All in a (few) days travel...

Today (Nov. 12, 2016) we departed for Nepal. Our flight out of Harlingen, TX – bound for Houston, TX – departed at 05:15 h which generally means getting out of bed by 02:30 h to make sure you have enough time to make one final check and get to the airport…on time – take it from me, it’s not a good idea to arrive at the airport late! From Houston, our travel itineraries diverged slightly where one flight path (#1) continued on to San Francisco, CA, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Thailand, and Kathmandu, Nepal; the other flight path (#2) continued on to Narita, Japan, Bangkok, Thailand, and Kathmandu, Nepal. In all, we've traveled a little over 18,000 km (11,185 mi) across 3 days, of which, 26 hrs were spent inside a thin narrow tube. Travelling this amount of distance (literally on the other side of the world) in this amount of time does tend to play havoc on your sleep patterns, to the point that you find yourself nodding off around 18:00 h and being wide awake anywhere between 00:00 h and 04:00 h; sometimes you're wide awake during this whole time. Jet lag is never a good feeling but once the field work gets underway we won't have 'time' for jet lag!
Flight path #1: 18,168 km (11,289 mi)
Flight path #2: 18,041 km (11,210 mi)

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