Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Day 15...back to Kathmandu

Tuesday, November 29, 2016: Today, we left Jiri, our home for these past two weeks, bound for the hustle and bustle that is Kathmandu. Like our outbound leg, our inbound leg saw us take the long(er) road back (see map in "Day 2..." post) and our journey lasting close to 9.5 h. Although, there was one (well, two actually) difference...our multi-person van was replaced by two Land Cruiser SUV's. Personally, I preferred this method of transportation and I also think this type of vehicle is more fitting for some of the road conditions that we encountered. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I think I'll let the the following images describe our trip from Jiri to Kathmandu.
Our new ride(s) parked in front
off Hotel Zurich View, Jiri.
No brake fluid here,
just water run off.
Our luggage!

One of those buffalo's I mentioned
in an earlier post.
Field clinic is clean and packed up, we're now ready to go.
Traffic jam, 20 meters
into our journey!!
We should be moving again soon.

Things to see on the trip back to Kathmandu...
Rhesus macaque.
A cow.
A trip of goats.

This may be a Barking Deer,
although the habitat altitude
may be too high.
Country life.
And some mountains.
A closer look at the peaks.
Getting closer to Kathmandu.

Have I commented on the
Outskirts of Kathmandu.
Our digs in Kathmandu, The Hotel Tibet (the next day).

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