Sunday, April 2, 2017

Reading glasses for our study participants

As you may recall from a recent entry (Reading glasses donation: Lions Club International), reading glasses for our research participants are being provided, in part, by the Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (TLERC). This very kind donation is making a difference to the Jirel community in a simple but effective way that most people in the developed world may take for granted.Thank you once again to the Lions Club and the TLERC!

Here we see Dr. Suman ji (the project's ophthalmologist) giving reading glasses (donated by the TLERC) to a male research participant.

Dr. Suman ji seeing if a female participant is willing to try on her new reading glasses (donated by the TLERC).

A female participant sporting her new reading glasses (donated by the TLERC). Nothing but style up here in Jiri! (photo taken with permission)

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