Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Reading glasses donation: Lions Club International

You may recall from our blog archive (entry title, Day 6...) that the Jiri Eye Study is having an immediate impact on the research participants, in particular, providing reading glasses to enhance an individual's quality of life. We are now pleased to say, for our upcoming field trip, reading glasses that will be provided to the participants have been very kindly donated by the Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (TLERC), Midland, Texas. The TLERC is a nonprofit foundation of the Lions of Texas, and with the support of the Lions International Foundation, TLERC recycles eyeglasses for use in Texas, the United States and around the world. The Lions Club International is an outstanding organization that empowers volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs around the globe. In 1925 the Lions answered a challenge from Helen Keller to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." Since then, the Lions have worked tirelessly to aid the blind and visually impairedThe Jiri Eye Study is truly honored for the Lions' contribution. Thank you!!

Donated reading glasses from
the TLERC.
Donated reading glasses from
the TLERC.


  1. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Texas Lions are proud of our TLERC and appreciate that its impact is worldwide. We also appreciate and admire your work which will, no doubt, have long lasting benefit to those that deal with Diabetes in our own communities.

    PDG Sam Pantusa
    COO, District 2-A2 Lions Sight Research Foundation
    San Antonio, Texas

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