Sunday, February 19, 2017

Making chiclets

Not to be confused with the candy-coated chewing gum, the chiclets we make in the laboratory is an ingenious way of preserving sample integrity. Developed by one of our esteemed STDOI professors, Dr. John VandeBerg, our chiclet protocol is a simple yet elegant way of making sample (serum or plasma) aliquots. Chiclet aliquots minimizes the freeze/thaw cycles a serum or plasma sample endures, therefore maintaining the integrity of the sample for numerous biochemical assays now and in the future.

Serum samples thawing.
Serum will be fed into tubing.

Tubing, with serum is passed
through a heat sealer.
And presto! Serum chiclets are made!

Serum chiclet storage tubes
labelled and ready.
Serum chiclets in their new long
term 'home'.


  1. Good day
    My name is Iliana Martínez. I´m Biologist and I´m interested in the chiclet. How many ml does each chiclet have? and What is the ID of the tube? (Tygon 2375, Tygon 2475, Tygon LMT-55, other)
    Thank for help me =D

  2. Hi Iliana,
    Each chiclet contains about 50 ul.

    Information about the Tygon tubing can be found here;

    Thank you for your interest.


  3. Good morning
    Thank you very much.

    Another question: The tubes to store are cryotubes, correct? because in the work of Cheng et al. (1986), they used a cellulose acetate butyrate tube (length 67,95cm)

    1. Hi Iliana,

      Yes, we store the serum in Nunc cryotubes (4.5 mL). Details about these tubes can be found here;

      Blood is collected in a red top BD vacutainer. Details can be found here;

      Thank you,

