Friday, November 23, 2018

SAMPLE SIZE: n = 2,000!!

Today marked a major milestone for the Jiri Eye Study; we reached our recruitment goal of 2,000 members of the Jirel population! In fact, we finished the day at 2,003 individuals and we still have two more days of sampling to go.

This milestone is a major achievement, and is testament to the hard working and dedicated members of the field work team from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, Miami University, and Wright State University.

On behalf of the research team, we sincerely thank the Jirel people for their cooperation with this important project – investigating the genetic epidemiology of ocular health and disease. Additionally, we thank the Jirel people for their continued support on all the research projects that have been conducted in the region over the past 30 years.

The Jiri Eye Study field work team and the 2,000th research participant and his wife, the 2,001st participant
The photo was taken with the permission of both participants.

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