Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Jiri welcome's back the JES research team.

Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay. With internet connectivity problems, and the first couple of sampling days being cold, wet and long, we've now only had time to catch our breath and update the blog. Both the US and Nepali-based research team members arrived in Jiri safe and sound to kick off the next data collection session. Everyone is excited and already working hard to ensure we have another successful trip; the target is another 250 individuals. Until the next time, here are a few images from our trip from Kathmandu to Jiri.

Morning of our departure: View from hotel window. In the foreground, prayer flags can be seen.
Just your average commute to through Kathmandu!

Many things are often seen being transported by all kinds of vehicles. This time, a buffalo in the back of a small utility vehicle.

You may be able to make out a small part of the winding road (in the hill) to Jiri.

Having to slow down for animals on/crossing the road is a common aspect of the trip. Drivers are very respectful of the animals as they are part of someone's livelihood.

And then there's other things that can slow the journey down too.

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