Sunday, November 19, 2017

Back in Kathmandu

The research team is now back safe and resting up in Kathmandu. After an early departure from Jiri, we made pretty good time to get back to Kathmandu considering the usual traffic congestion on approach to, and in the city, plus a few other things along the way...

1. You have to take care when passing 'shrubs with legs' along the way.

2. A bus driver decides to stop on the road where there is no way to get around it. The apparent reason for the stop: passengers were upset over the driving because they were being shaken up to the point where someone bumped their head.
Ah yep, there is no way around this one just yet.
So the bus has moved a little but now we have a bunch of passengers off the bus expressing their concerns to the driver and others.
Dispute is over and everyone is back on the bus. We just have to wait for the cows to be ushered off the road.

3. One of the vehicles suffers a leak in the diesel fuel line.
There seems to be a leak somewhere?
We better 'jack' it up so that we can get a clearer view. When the jack is too difficult to get (due to luggage) or you don't have one, a few rocks will suffice.

Time to get underneath...

...and into the vehicle.
And yes, a diesel fuel leak is confirmed.
With thanks to some ingenuity from our driving staff and some high quality plastic found in the back of one of the vehicles the leak was contained and we were back on our way. While the repairs were taking place there was time to get a couple of scenery shots in, though.

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