Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Namaste from Jiri!

The research team arrived into Jiri without incident (all vehicle brake lines were intact) and in good time (approx. 8 hours). In fact, we would have likely made it in less time if it were not for a brief delay we encountered. Due to some ongoing road works (about 4.5 to 5 hours into our trip) we had to wait approx. 45 to 60 minutes before taking a slight detour. The detour consisted of a one lane road that was controlled by two Nepali government officials at either ends of the detour road. While one side was allowed to pass the other side of the detour had to wait their turn.

Here we are waiting for traffic from the other side to pass.

While we were waiting for our turn to cross, we catch a glimpse of Dr. Janardin ji, a recent recipient of the Distinguished Scholar award at Miami University, Ohio. Congratulations, Dr. Janardin ji!

Oh look, it's our turn to cross!

Made it!

As you can see the wait time to cross can be long and traffic can be banked up for a considerable distance…

And can be a bit of a tight squeeze. Don’t worry negotiating this traffic takes place a calm 5 to 10 km/hour (3.1 to 6.2 miles/hour) which provides for a great photo opportunity out the window.

Needless to say, we made it, had enough time to get unpacked, fed and into bed at a reasonable hour in readiness for our first day of clinic/sampling.

Good morning, Jiri! Some morning views of the Jiri Valley as seen from our hotel balcony and taken before breakfast on our first day of research activities.


  1. Jiri, looks like a peaceful and calm place. from pictures it looks very beautiful.
    Eye Clinic in Mumbai

  2. Thank you for your comment, Udit Sharma. Jiri is a wonderful and an amazing place.
